It's A New Year: Where to From Here?

As the year begins, it’s great time to rethink and reposition XavahDah. XavahDah has been operating since 2018, that’s a full four years. Our vision remains the same, which is to "increase our South African footprint, as well as grow our international markets". This will be achieved by positioning our products within competitive retail spaces and growing our online presence as seen on Table 1.

Table 1: XavahDah Online Shops

We consistently produce unique designs for our local and international customers. Our creative design teams is involved in research and design to create new designs and experiment with unconventional fabrics and push the envelope. As part of creating new original designs, the emphasis is to create high quality sustainable clothing that can withstand wear and tear for long time. The Quality Assurance unit tests our garments by stress testing the clothes through multiple washes and by wearing the clothes in many different real live occasions.

With great emphasis on quality, XavahDah will be in position to compete in high end retail spaces within the Johannesburg region. The expansion to other regions with South Africa will be guided by the performance and lessons learned from the Johannesburg physical shop(s). As this year continues, we will explore various suitable retail spaces and open a physical shop. As South Africa and the world at large recover from the lockdowns as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, shoppers will be returning to malls and shopping centers.


"Vision is Clear": Johannesburg

As the year turns, we will continue to monitor and evaluate our progress. We are excited and looking forward to what the future holds. It looks bright and will bring in many challenges that the entire team is ready to overcome and make new strides. An old adage attributed to Franklin D. Roosevelt and some say it’s an African proverb, reads ‘Calm Seas Do Not Make Skillful Sailors’. As we embark on this new journey of 2022, no seas will sink the XavahDah ship.

Happy New Year and best of wishes to your 2022 journey from XavahDah team.



Chief Editor

Khotso I.M

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