This is a perfect moment, year 2021 for us as XavahDah team to reflect and introspect on our past, present and future. Where we are now and where fashion and modern culture journey leads us and the world at large. Jean-Luc Godard once wrote "a story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order". Perhaps at XavahDah, we are only at the beginning of our journey. After all, we are only in our 3rd year operating as a fashion brand. Mind you, within the three years, we established 1) Ruin Fashion Magazine, yet to be released 2) Mixtape albums under XavahDah Music and our media production house, 3) XavahDah Films Producxions. 

Our journey is not just about clothing, but we continuously seek other avenues to grow XavahDah. The journey is long and strenuous, that is why we continuously ask ourselves, 'is the juice worth the squeeze'?. Indeed, it sounds rhetorical, however, it's worth asking. Would you say, it's worth it for you?

Heading into the third quarter of 2021, we are now in two worlds like two winters. We started XavahDah with only our popular Panther scarf and a single poncho design. But in two years prior to the 2020 pandemic, we participated in two fashion shows in Johannesburg, a beauty pageant in Lesotho, and our garments have appeared on your TV screens (Date My Family and other independent sitcoms on several occasions). We have dressed and styled various musical artists and sold our clothes and the Basotho Blankets world wide. 

Even with all of that, Jean-Luc Godard never told us that some stories have no ending. No ending and that there won't always be humour, joy or a hero in a story. 


So join us, as we write our story. We hope to write it together with you. What is your story and how is your journey going in your life? We would love to hear it. You are more than welcome to share on the comments section below. 

Perhaps, our stories intertwine. After all, time does not fly. 



Blog by  Chief Editor Khotso, I.M

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