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Live - Laugh - Love : How Fashion Boosts Confidence

Are you confident? It's not everyday we ask ourselves that question. But it's important to ask yourself. Really be honest with yourself. Are you confident? Fashion is important in boosting our confidence simply because it promotes positive mood and style to your personality. Some people dress to impress and others simply wear what ever is clean or ironed. And confidence has a lot to do with how you dress. Not because people will smile and look at you, but because you are expressing yourself.   

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Making an Understatement: XavahDah Fashion Tip

Ever been to an event, a party, special church service or a date night and felt under dressed? How did you feel? It's all in the past now, so have no regrets. And on the bright side, you have XavahDah Clothing. How you look is on us, Team XavahDah. We have compiled a few XavahDah Fashion Tips to make an 'Understatement'. 

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